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david acharya texas

Meet David!
A father, Husband and Social Worker

Devi David Acharya is an Social Entrepreneur, Business man and a President of the HDNP International an NGO deeply committed to help displaced and homeless people from different parts of world including the US.  His Leadership has been able to feed the homeless and provide clothes and necessary items to the desperate and needy people.

Feeding Homeless

Our Objective is to feed the homeless and the needy people. Devi and his team has been helping to feed the homeless and needy people through his organization HDNP International Inc.

Blood Donation Events

Devi and his team has been helping numerous people by conducting Blood donation events through they provide Blood to the needy people.

Help in any form

Devi David has been helping needy people in any form. May it be through clothes, medical supplies, food, blood, grocery. He has been working tirelessly to help people around this community in Texas. He has helped people from multiple countries including Nepal, India, Ghana, Ethiopia and more.

devi's Determination has helped many people

Because of Devi’s and his team hard work. They have successfully able to re-established 15 people to a normal life from a homeless. This effort and achievement has been recognized by the state of Texas and Governor Abbott awarded Mr. Devi and his Team a prestigious ” Beyond the Boundary” award.

+Feed the Homeless Since 2012
+Lives saved through Blood Donations
+Blood Donation Event Conducted Successfully
+Sleeping bag, chritmas gifts donated to Homeless in DFW Metro.

Beyond The Boundary Award Granted From The Governor Abbott.


Devi and his team are tirelessly working to achieve more by doing more.

Helping more Old Needy People

Still there are more elderly people who are not able to get proper care in the community. They need to be taken care.


Homeless People needs help

He also want to increase the team so that more homeless people can come out of it and live a independent and happy life.


Feed more people

His aim is to help and feed more people and save people from hunger and malnutrition. 


Conduct more blood donation

Conducting more blood donation in the community will help to get the blood to the needy people. Devi and his team wants to ramp up the duration for the Blood donation to once every week.


Teach about Finance

Devi plan is to help people come out of their bad financial situation like homelessness. This can be achieve only when people are educated and make a sensible and educated financial decision-Devi Believes that.

Conduct Different Events

His plan is to conduct different humanitarian events in the community helping more often to the people.

Building a Strong community through leadership

Mr. Devi started his social entrepreneur journey in 2012 when he started his 501(c) company HDNP International Inc. Now, he is still a president of his company and has served thousands of needy people through feeding food, medical supplies, clothes, gifts, blood and more.

What We Do

How Devi and His Team has been able to provide such a service?

People all around the community are happy and praising the good deeds of Devi and his team

I wish devi and his team all the best. They are doing a great humanitarian job

Lorry Melon

They are kind loving and best people who want to help people like me in any form. Thank you


Thank God I found Devi on time. I was able to get help from them as soon as possible. They are the saviour. Thank you Devi

Steve Smith

I wish all the best to devi and his team. They are best and doing best work in the community.

